Steps or Strategies on How to Pronounce the /r/ Sound in an Easy and Simple Way:
1. Pull your tongue up to the roof of your mouth (but it should not touch the roof) and curl it up. It's like making a letter C that is inverted inside your mouth. Then say /r/. That's how simple it is.
2. Try to differentiate it with the /l/ sound as it is always confused with that sound. The /l/ sound is produced by putting the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth and say /l/ or /lalalala/.
Note: It will be easier for you to know if you are pronouncing the /r/ sound correctly by checking how your articulators (e.g., tongue, lips, teeth, etc.) move.
This time, let's practice words with the /r/ sound. In the following examples, check if you are producing the /r/ sound well by looking at the mirror.
road ripe
roll water
read mirror
ride waiter
reap janitor
clear rover
Let's practice some tongue twisters that can help you improve your pronunciation of the /r/ sound.
1. The rat ran quickly upon hearing the creaking door.
2. Randy entered the room on a red carpet, wearing a colorful formal suit.
3. Rina was roused from sleep by the drizzling raindrops on the rooftop.
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