Sample Comments for Students' Performance in English

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You were able to deliver your lines smoothly with good accent, sentence stress, and intonation. You have come a long way when it comes to pronouncing words. Just focus on the following sounds as these are your weaknesses: long /a/, long /ey/, long /ou/, and stress. I was impressed with how you made our conversation flow by sharing your thoughts and ideas faster. Just be mindful of your articles (a, an, and the), adjectives, and verbs. Overall, you were bold and thus you were able to share your ideas with confidence. It made our conversation more interactive and productive. 

You now have a great ability to carry a flowing conversation. That's because you are good at turn-taking now. You can ask relevant questions, listen well, and give unique and interesting perspectives and feedback. Just continue polishing your weaknesses such as the soft /e/, /ey/, schwa, and stress when it comes to your pronunciation, and prepositions, in terms of grammar. Overall, you employ good strategies in learning. Your efforts are paying off. Keep it up!

You were able to provide well-founded arguments. You also used good expressions already in our small talk. That's a good sign of improvement. Just brush up on your prepositions and adjectives. Your schwa and long /ou/ sounds were great today. Good job! Just continue polishing up your short /o/ and /r/ sounds. You were able to argue out your opinion well. That's a good practice. Well done!

You have high comprehension. You were also confident to express your thoughts. You have reasonable fluency already. Just continue leveling up by being aware of your weaknesses and improving them often such as the /n/, /a/, /ou/, and stress. In terms of grammar, you were able to make many grammatically correct sentences. Just review articles and verbs. Overall, you always make the conversation more interesting by asking good questions and sharing intriguing points. Sterling job!

You have good pronunciation already. I commend the way you organized your thoughts in your essay, too.  Just continue polishing up the /a/, soft /e/, /ou/, schwa and stress. In grammar, review prepositions and articles more to be able to make more grammatical sentences. Overall, you were able to talk a lot about our topic with reasonable fluency. You outdid yourself!

You could join sounds together well. It seemed you have knowledge about liaison already. Just be careful with the long /ey/ sound. In grammar, be careful with your verbs and articles more. Overall, you were able to get your points across once again and speak your mind. Sterling job!

Most of your sentences today are correct. That's fantastic! This means you are really getting more careful with your grammar. You just need to zero in on your articles (a, an, and the). You have also come a long way when it comes to your pronunciation. Just continue your practice of the /e/, /a/, /r/ and stress. Overall, you are aware of what you have to brush up on and you make it a point to improve them. That's why you have come a long way. Keep up the good work. 

You could catch on easily to all my pronunciation corrections and tips. Just practice the /r/, /ey/ and stress. You tried to understand all the grammar corrections in your written text. That only shows your eagerness to learn. You also asked challenging questions. Just read up on your prepositions, verbs and adjectives . Overall, it was a flowing and smooth conversation. Our lesson panned out well without any hitch. Well done!

You always sound so full of wisdom and your thoughts, based on your observations and knowledge from different informative sources, are always intriguing. I feel like there are so many other points to discuss and yet we run out of time all the time because of the interesting discussion. Your study habits are commendable. Just continue practicing the /a/, /ou/, and the schwa sounds. In terms of creating sentences, just read more about articles and conjunctions (maybe you can study one rule at a time). You have a razor-sharp mind. Overall, I am quite excited to talk about another engaging topic.

You were all ears in our class. You also have a razor-sharp mind that you can always analyze situations well. Just be careful with your nouns, articles, and word order when making sentences in our oral conversation. To sound better, focus more on soft /e/, /r/, and where to put your stress on words. Overall,  you could organize your thoughts well. Keep up the good study habit.

As always, you successfully provided apt responses to all my questions. That's because of your good vocabulary and comprehension skills. You were good at explaining yourself and elaborating on your points. Just be more aware and mindful of your use of singular and plural nouns and improve your word order in some of your sentences. In terms of pronunciation improvement, you can now enunciate words clearly. You sound more neutral now. Just continue your practice of the  /r/, long /ey/, soft /e/, and stress. Overall, you were able to organize your thoughts well and reason out very well too. Well done!

Your pronunciation and accent are your strengths. You don't have any noticeable strong accent. You sounded neutral. Just know which words have the schwa and /ae/ sounds and avoid interchanging them. Also, polish the soft /e/ sound and your stress. You have high comprehension and good writing skills since your diction or word choice is great. Just review the use of "that" as a relative pronoun and as a conjunction more. Overall, you showed great interest in learning new things both in grammar and vocabulary. Keep up the good work.

You are now starting to use good expressions when you write. You had a sensible exchange both in your written and oral conversations. Well done. In terms of pronunciation, you had a smooth delivery. Just continue your practice of the /a/, /ou/, and the schwa sounds. Also, read up on verbs and pronouns for better sentences. Overall, you are now getting more confident in initiating the conversation. Keep up the good work. 

It was another smooth and flowing conversation about another relevant topic. You raised many substantial points about it. I just corrected the long /a/ and stress in the word "photography." I also just corrected your use of the definite article "the" in your sentences. Overall, you can always catch on quite easily to whatever I say. You are intellectually nimble.

Your delivery was smooth and quite understandable. You were very relaxed. Your accent sounded neutral. Just focus on practicing your soft /e/, long /ou/, and the /r/ sound.  You tried to understand most of the things that I said. You tried to listen attentively to everything that I said. You could formulate sentences already out of your understanding of the words that you heard in our practice. Just be careful with your pronouns and articles when you construct sentences. Overall, you are now getting more confident in expressing your thoughts. Keep up the good work.

I commend your good study habit. You could pronounce some of the words that we've been practicing since we started talking to each other correctly. Just continue your practice of the soft /e/, schwa, /n/, and stress.  You can now combine words together smoothly. You also had a good choice of words both in your oral and written conversations. Just brush up on your articles. Overall, you always try to understand the grammar corrections of the teacher. Keep up the good study habit.

We always have a fun and engaging exchange. It went on smoothly once again. You were good at raising good points that you could express successfully. You used just the appropriate expressions that are needed in the context of your stories. Just continue your practice of the long /ou/, /a/, /ae/, and stress for better pronunciation and read up on nouns, (plural/singular), articles, and adverbs.  Overall, you have a nimble mind. You could catch on quite easily to whatever I said and react quickly as well. 

Most of the words that you said were understandable. I just made some corrections on your /ae/ and stress. You tried explaining yourself well. You used expressions suitable to the context of the experiences you shared. You sounded spontaneous too since you have a nimble mind. Just read up on verbs, adjectives, and nouns. Overall, you provided apt responses to all my questions once again. Well done!

Your accent and pronunciation are your strengths. Just try to correct your /ir/ and long /ey/ sounds. Once again, you were able to make many grammatically correct sentences. Just focus on reviewing articles and prepositions. Overall, you always try to use good expressions that you learned in your practice such as "solid plan" and "pan out." That's fantastic! 

You were good at pronouncing words. It was smooth, fast, and flowing. Just be careful with your long /a/, /ae/, and schwa sounds. You were able to catch on quite easily to whatever I said. You were spontaneous. Just brush up on your word order, pronouns, and verbs. Overall, you had clear enunciation and a neutral accent. You also sounded fluent. Well done!

You can initiate the conversation now. You can always reason out well too. You are able to give your own experiences as examples. Good job. Just continue polishing your stress and soft /e/ sound. You were good at constructing sentences, especially in your written conversation. You were able to employ good vocabulary expressions. Just be careful with your pronouns, prepositions, and verbs. Overall, your practice is paying off. Your improvement in the way you express yourself now is quite obvious. Keep up the good work.

You could interestingly react to whatever I said. You could also elaborate sensibly on your points. Just continue your practice of the /ou/, /ir/, and the schwa sound. You were careful with your sentence construction when you were sharing your ideas. Just be mindful of your articles and nouns. Overall, I commend your use of good expressions and the way you combined them  in your written conversation. Keep up the good work.

You were good at explaining things and elaborating on your points. You also had a good accent and smooth and flowing delivery. You were good at pronouncing the schwa sound already. Just be careful with your stress and long /ou/ sound. In terms of grammar, be more mindful of your verbs, articles, and nouns. Overall, you have good comprehension, vocabulary, and conversation skills. Keep up the good work. 

Your strengths in your delivery are your good intonation and pausing. Just polish  the /r/, /a/ and stress. You were able to catch on quite easily to all my pronunciation tips. You also made many complete sentences. Just always be careful with your adverbs and nouns (plural). Overall, you were fun to talk with because you could react enthusiastically and quickly to all my questions. Well done! You were a good conversationalist.  Keep on practicing. 

Your accent was good because you know which parts in your sentences should be read faster and which parts should be stressed or emphasized. Just continue your practice of the /a/, schwa, /ou/ and /n/ sounds. You were very keen to understand compound nouns with possessive adjectives and nouns as adjectives. For today's class, the example I can give you is users' manual and user manual.  Both are correct. There is only a difference in the meaning of these words. The one with the possessive means the manual belongs to the user while the other one means the manual is for the user. In regards to New Year's resolution, New Year's is a proper noun so it can't be New Year resolution. It's like Mimi's car versus Mimi car which doesn't make sense. In conclusion, if a noun is a common noun, it already has an established meaning so it can also be a noun that functions as an adjective. Overall, it's good that you try to deeply understand the meaning of what you are learning. Keep up the good work.

You were able to make many grammatical sentences both in your oral and written conversations. That's fantastic! Just be mindful of your verb tenses and prepositions when you speak. You were able to catch on quite easily to all my corrections when it comes to your pronunciation. This means that you could pronounce all the sounds well. You just have to remember how to enunciate each of them correctly. Also, continue polishing the /ey/, /ou/, /ir/, and stress. Overall, you asked very good questions about grammar tonight. This only shows that your knowledge about grammar is improving. Well done! 

Your pronunciation was clear. You could also neutralize your accent already. Just polish the following sounds: /a/, long /ou/, soft /e/, /ir/, /ae/, and schwa sounds. In grammar, just be mindful of your articles (a, an, and the) and verbs. Overall, you were spontaneous. Your strengths are your good comprehension, conversation, and pronunciation skills. I hope we can have another engaging and meaningful conversation.
