Useful Research Transition/Transitional Words

The following transitional words are the most commonly-used words  in writing a research paper. Making a compilation helps me do my work fast. Transitional words are useful in connecting our ideas better. The meaning of each transitional word depends on the context  so check the meaning first and how the word is used properly.

Useful Research Transition Words When:

1. you want to refer  to the idea that  you  previously stated, instead of using the word this all the time, you can  use the following:
the aforesaid            the aforementioned           the previously mentioned
the aforenamed          the forenamed               the aforestated
The above-mentioned     the said                    the foregoing
2. you want to say you have another point, instead of using another, you can also use the following:
other     in addition     also      besides
3. you want to say something is due to something, you can say:
Is the result of      as a result of        because       linked to
4. you want to replace the phrase as stated in, use:
as stated by              according to              in line with
as maintained by          as reported by
5. you want to say an example of something say:
for example           for instance         specifically         particularly
such as               as an illustration     to illustrate         to demonstrate
consider              a case in point       to take a case in point
6. you think you are overusing the conjunction in which, replace it with:
where              wherein              in which part    
7. you are doubtful to use etc.and so forth because you think they are not appropriate, use:
   and others        and the rest
However,  most articles I’ve read recommend completing your list instead.
8. you want to wrap up your points or summarize use:
in sum         to sum up        to conclude                 in conclusion
in short        in brief          in essence                   succinctly
9. you want to say the author recommends something, use:
advise       advocate     propose        exhort        confirm    implore
encourage    urge
10. you want to show contradiction, use:
however            nonetheless             nevertheless          yet
conversely           notwithstanding         on the other hand
