The Dreamer Meets the Giver

by ABQ  (Allenace Muchi)
The dreamer imagines night and day,
how he drives his new Chevrolet.
He paints his blueprint in the air.
Then toils hard to get himself somewhere.
The giver sketches night and day, how he solves the maze to serve the right way.
He finds the answers to dispel despair.
Then bends over backwards to help people everywhere.
Come the day, they met
The giver has the car but it turned very old, whispered the dreamer.
He also has the blueprint but it’s very hard to mold, he figured.
The dreamer, then starts sketching all he wants.
He  also tries to solve as many mazes as he can.
He finds the answer in giving them all away.
And finally forgot that he had ever dreamt FOR HIMSELF!
This poem is an advocacy poem I made. Although there is yet a established genre of advocacy poem (as far as I know), I can see some existing examples of this kind of poem on the Internet. This is about the difference between a person who simply dreams for herself and a person who dreams for a purpose.
