What does my wonderful professor in research say about Introduction?
I’ve been doing research since college. However, I just learned how to do it systematically when I met my professor in Educational Research. Right now, I am enrolled in his class and I want to share with you the easy and motivating technique that he teaches us every meeting. Be with me while I discover how to do research in an encouraging method. Today, I will focus on graduate thesis introduction.
Introduction is Chapter 1 of the research. It includes:
1. Background of the Study (Moves 1 and 2 of the CARS model of Swales)
2. Statement of the Problem (Move 2 of the CARS model of Swales)
3. Significance of the Study (Move 3 of the CARS model of Swales)
4. Scope and Delimitation (Move 3 of the CARS model of Swales)
2. Statement of the Problem (Move 2 of the CARS model of Swales)
3. Significance of the Study (Move 3 of the CARS model of Swales)
4. Scope and Delimitation (Move 3 of the CARS model of Swales)
Question: What is the difference between delimitation and limitation? Delimitation is stating what you are not including in your study before you actually do your study while limitations are the limitations you encountered after the study.
See my explanation of the CARS model which is a very helpful way in research here: How to Finish Your Graduate Thesis
Background of the Study
- The introduction in the thesis format has the inverted triangle format (broad to specific).
- For the background of the study, write Chapter I Introduction at the center first.
- In writing the first two paragraphs, consider Move 1 in CARS model – establishing a territory where you have to introduce your construct first. In qualitative study, we use the term construct for variable because the term variable is used in quantitative study. Example: the contructs in the study code-switching and tabloids are code-switching and tabloids.
- Make sure that your construct/variable is unique in your area.
- You can start your first paragraph by telling an anecdote, using definition, or writing a narrative hook. A narrative hook is something interesting that can hook your readers.
- The last sentence in your first paragraph should introduce the next construct/variable in your second paragraph.
- For the succeeding three to five paragraphs, write the thesis statement. This is a very systematic method in doing a graduate thesis introduction and it’s important that we understand what to do per paragraph.
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