English Words Which are Commonly Mispronounced by Filipinos

1. says  –  /sez/ –  (IPA: sɛz). It’s a verb in the present tense which is used for the third person (he/she) or for a singular subject.   It means expressing something. Some pronounced this as /seys/ because of its base form say which is pronounced as /sey/. However, the correct pronunciation is /sez/.
 2.   model – /maad-uhl or mod/  – (IPA: mä-dəl).  It means standard or ideal.  Some say /mowdel/ even if the correct pronunciation is /modl or maa-duhl/. The stress is on the first syllable.
 3. Whole – /howl/ – (IPA: hoʊl ). It is the same with how you pronounce the words hole or boat.  This word means something is complete.  It is also usually used in the phrase one whole sheet of paper where some people say one /hool/ sheet of paper.  Again, the correct pronunciation is /howl/.
4. Only – /own-lee/ – (IPA:  oʊnli). It means something is not enough.The stress is on the first syllable.  Some mispronounced this as /onli/.
5. preface –  /pref-uhs/ – (IPA: prɛfəs/. This is also called foreword or the introduction part. We know that it is one of the parts of a book. Some pronounced it as /prefeys/. Again, the correct pronunciation is prefis or prefuhs.
6. salutation – /sal – yuh – tey-shun/ – (IPA: sæl·jə-tɛɪ-ʃən). It is one of the parts of a business letter also called greeting. Some pronounced it as /sal-yuh-tey-shun/. They put the stress on the first syllable which should be on the third. Again, it is sal-yuh-tey-shun/.
7. utensil – /yoo-ten-suhl/ (IPA: jʊˈtɛn·səl). It is a tool that we use in our kitchen. Some put the stress on the first syllable. They say /yoo-ten-sil/. Again, the stress should be on the second syllable /yoo-ten-suhl/.
8. savvy – /saevee/ (IPA: sævi). We sometimes hear the phrase tech-savvy these days. Savvy is not pronounced as /seyvi/. Again, it’s /saevee/ like /savi/.
9. innovative – /in-uh-vey-tiv/ – (IPA: ˈɪnəvɛɪt̬ɪv US) (IPA:  ˈɪnəvətɪv UK). Some people just know the American pronunciation which is /in-uh-vey-tivwhere the stress is on the first syllable and va is pronounced as vey. Surprisingly, /in-uh-vuh-tivis also accepted because that is the British pronunciation where the stress is also on the first syllable, however, va is pronounced as vuh.
10. complacent – / kuhm-pley-suhnt/ – (IPA: kəmˈplɛɪsənt). Some say /kuhm-pla-sent/ even if both the American and British pronunciation say it’s /kuhm-pley-suhnt/.
11. granite – /grae-nuht/ – (IPA:’ɡrænət) . Most Filipinos say gra-nayt, but the correct pronunciation is grae-nuht which is close to the pronunciation of grae-nit.

More Lists of Commonly Mispronounced Words Here: The Strategies that I Use to Improve My English Pronunciation and Accent
