Common Mistakes in Pluralization

Here are some of the most common uncountable nouns which are wrongly inflected. These common local errors are made by some non-native English speakers.
staff and stuff – For the word staff, it depends on the meaning. If you mean a stick, you can make it plural (staffs) but if you are referring to a group of people working for an establishment (collective noun), then it is usually not pluralized (staff). In most of the English forums I visited online, native speakers of English always say there are rare instances in which the plural staffs is used.
On the other hand, stuff is also always singular if you refer to some things or materials or even to many things in general. Oftentimes, we use it informally.
advice – Some people put s when they want to make it plural. If you want to make it countable, you can say a piece of advice, pieces of advice, or some advice. You can also use a lot of advice.
Be careful with your spelling of this word too. Do not make it advise because it is the verb form. Advice spelled with a “c” is a noun and with an “s” is a verb.
jewelry or jewellry – Both spellings are correct. If you want to make this countable just say a piece of jewelry, pieces of jewelry, some jewelry, or items of jewelry.
furniture – Even if we think we can count them, furniture should not have the plural inflection. Instead, we should use pieces of furniture or some furniture.
feedback – Sometimes we are confused with the correct plural form of feedback. Do we really add and say feedbacks? The answer is No. How do we make feedback plural then? Unlike advice, furniture, and jewelry, we do not say pieces of feedbacks? Why? Let’s ask some grammarians around. What do you think? We just say some feedback or a lot of feedback.
equipment – We do not use the word equipments. Equipment is uncountable. We just say pieces of equipment.
baggage and luggage – These two nouns are also included in this list of uncountable nouns. We often see them pluralized on Facebook posts for example. Again, what you can use is a piece of luggage or pieces of luggage. For baggage, you can use pieces of baggage.
