Sample Request Letter to Speed Up the Internet Connection

Language Stratagem
Exploring the Tricks and Bamboozlement of Language
Blk 18, Lot 25, Blue Star Subdivision, Moonlight City
021234 or 0912567/

January 13, 2018

Francis Marquez
IT manager
PTS Academy
Ocean Shore, Moonlight City

Dear Sir Marquez:

This is to request to speed up a slow Internet connection in our laboratory class on Saturdays at 10:30 a.m -1:30 p.m in room 313. We experienced difficulty in finishing our laboratory exercises because the students could not open any websites for their research. In our previous correspondence, I forwarded a letter about our laboratory requirements such as the use of WordPress in our class. However, the students had a hard time publishing their work. I hope you can help us solve this problem.

Thank you very much for your assistance.


Frances Therese Quing
Associate Professor
Language Stratagem

Parts of the Letter
Letterhead – The above request letter to speed up the Internet connection includes a letterhead at the top center portion of the letter. The letterhead includes the logo, slogan, and contact details of the company such as the contact number, address, and e-mail address. If you are a freelancer, just write your return address.
Date – Next to the letterhead is the date. You have to write the complete date and avoid abbreviation.
Inside Address – The inside address (address of the receiver)  contains the name of the receiver, the position (optional), and the contact information. Leave two to four spaces between the letterhead and the inside address.
Greeting or Salutation – The next part is called the greeting or salutation. To make it more formal, use Sir or Ma’am followed by the last name of the person. The salutation reflects the sender’s relationship with the receiver. For instance, if they are friends, the receiver can just use the first name (Dear Ana). If the receiver is unknown, use To Whom It May Concern. There are different kinds of salutation to use based on the relationship of the receiver and the sender so be careful with this. Do your research first before writing it down. You may not want to offend the receiver. Moreover, do not forget to put colon at the end of the salutation (Dear Ms Cruz:) especially if it is a formal letter.
Body – After the salutation comes the body of the letter which consists of three parts: introduction, body, and closing. Use single-spacing between the lines. However, for paragraphs, use double-spacing. Do not forget to say thank you in the closing part.
Complimentary Close – Before the signature part is the complimentary close. The complimentary close, just like the salutation, reflects the receiver’s relationship with the sender. It can range  from formal to informal so choose your complimentary close properly. For instance, Yours respectfully or Yours sincerely are  more formal than Best regards. Always end the complimentary close with a comma (Yours sincerely,) . Moreover, the second word in the complimentary close (Yours sincerely) should not be capitalized.
For the signature part, do not forget to affix your signature. If you are sending your letter online, use sgd. which means signed. Another way is to print the letter first, affix your signature then sign it. Again, leave two to four spaces between the closing part of the body of your letter and the complimentary close.

I hope I was able to help you in writing your request letter to speed the up the Internet connection.
