Sample Request Letter for Late Enrollment

There are times when you will be asked to write a letter of late enrollment, especially if you fail to pass all your requirements within the enrollment period.

Below is a sample request letter for late enrollment or registration to allow you to register late.

Sample Request Letter for Late Enrollment or Registration

January 18, 2019

Dr. Ma. Churiro I. Iking
University Registrar
University of Language Stratagem, Moonlight City

Dear Ma’am:

I would like to request permission to be allowed for a late registration due to some unforeseen circumstances.

I am a graduate student enrolling for my residency. However, last semester, I was not able to enroll since I was not allowed by my college for failing to pass an extension letter before the deadline. In relation to this, I had to wait for the re-admission letter to be released for this semester. I also had to wait for my X-ray result, which took some time to be released.

I hope your good office will allow me to enroll this semester for residency so that I can finish my thesis proposal.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Frances I. Quing
