Sample Invitation Letter to a Judge in a Competition

Language Stratagem
Exploring the Tricks and Bamboozlement of Language
Blk 18, Lot 25, Blue Star Village, Moonlight City
021234 or 0912567/

January 13, 2018

Francis Reyes
PTS University
Ocean Shore, Moonlight City

Dear Sir Reyes:

Language Stratagem will hold its annual Talent and Skills competition which affords learning opportunities for students through their showcase of knowledge, talents, values, and skills in various event competitions such as essay writing, impromptu speaking,  photography, and video-making among others.
With this, we would like to invite you to share your expertise as one of the judges for our essay writing contest which will be held on January 29, 2018 (Monday) from 01:00PM – 03:00PM at Computer Lab 312, Academic Building, Language Stratagem, Blue Star Village, Moonlight City. We appreciate your willingness to be part of developing young people’s writing skills.

Should you have further concerns and clarifications on this invitation, please do not hesitate to send an email to the event coordinator at or call 021234.

Thank you very much.


Frances Therese Quing
Event Coordinator
Language Stratagem
